MORE VIDEOS ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL @caseyk7998 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT-S69JV2Xx_dLHfMYxss9Q https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT-S69JV2Xx_dLHfMYxss9Q
Sun - Feb 23 - Independence, Ohio. Holiday Inn Independence at 6001 Rockside Rd. in Independence. Joint dance with the United States Polka Association and the Cleveland Polka Association will feature Mon Valley Push Polka Band playing from 1 pm to 5 pm. POLKA DANCE LESSON DURING THE FIRST BAND INTERMISSION. I will be wearing a t-shirt that says TAKE A CHANCE ASK ME TO DANCE. Casey. Donation $15 admission. 18 years and younger free admission. For more info go to https://static.wixstatic.com/media/733cd0_ce9104bbcfa440cca9b11bbbf93298f9~mv2.jpg
Thur - Feb 27 - Cleveland, Ohio. Polish American Cultural Center at 6501 Lansing Avenue . Fat Thursday Polish Paczki Party. Don't wait until Cleveland's Paczki Day (aka Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras) Come celebrate with us the Polish way!!! Start off with Polish Happy Hour at 4 pm followed by the celebration from 5 pm to 10 pm. HOME MADE POLISH FOOD!!! Music by Tom Katrenich Orchestra and Opus 216!!!! FREE ADMISSION!!!! For more info call 216-233-7234 or 216-513-6646 or go to https://polishcenterofcleveland.org/events-classes/
Sat - Mar 15 - Parma, Ohio. Lake Erie VFW Post 1974 at 4305 Woodrow Ave will feature Frankie Liszka & Blue Magic playing from 6 pm to 10 pm. Admission $20. Food and Beverages available. For more info call 216-299-0934.
Thur - Mar 27 - Parma Hts. The Cleveland Polka Association will have a members meeting at the Home Family Club at 6450 Pearl Rd beginning at 7 pm. Free Admission!!! Public Welcome!! For more info call 330-461-1772.
Sat - April 26 - Parma Heights, Ohio. Cleveland Polka Association will feature Keith Strass & Polka Confetti Polka Band playing at Home Family Club at 6450 Pearl Rd. from 6 pm to 10 pm. POLKA DANCE LESSON DURING THE FIRST BAND INTERMISSION. I will be wearing a t-shirt that says TAKE A CHANCE ASK ME TO DANCE. Casey. Donation $10 (18 years and under are FREE!!!) No b.y.o.b. Beverages and Food will be available for purchase. https://static.wixstatic.com/media/733cd0_3bd813a583804b0d9ffed87f62bc8326~mv2.jpg
You are welcome to join my Cleveland Polka Dancers group on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/807101507416040
send email to caseyk613@yahoo.com

The polka triple step basic with a simple switch. @caseyk7998

How to simple switch the follower from home to the side and back home. @caseyk7998

A demonstration of Chris and I dancing a polka. @caseyk7998

Another way to dance a polka. @caseyk7998

How to dance the polka traditional style. @caseyk7998

How to practice the polka triple step. @caseyk7998

Dancers having a great time at Pulaski Polka Days 2024. @caseyk7998